My office is right down the hall from the elevator too, so as soon as someone steps off it, they can see straight into my office and this little mosaic. I think it's much nicer than the bleak stale sterile white wall behind it.
If you scroll down a few posts, you'll see a post about a camel... there's even a picture of the camel. Read the comments. My dear sister (yes I know it was you) has advised me that I should just marry the camel but I had to ask my parents' permission first. So now I'm wondering about marrying camels and other desert people...
And then I think about Star Wars. Why? Because so much of the story is tied to a little planet called Tatooine. On the same planet you find an honest little boy who builds robots (like C-3PO) you also find a roving dumpster that scavenges robots. It's the planet where Obi-Wan was hiding out and Luke Skywalker was growing up. Also the origin of Darth Vader (evil apprentice,) but the same place where we find "scoundrels" (Leia's word, not mine) who would rather make a buck than resist the encroachment of the Evil Empire. Even if they're very handsome and excellent pilots... no wait, that's not the point...
The point is, is it worth risking an encounter with the Tusken Raiders (who captured Anakin's mom and tied her up like an animal!) to seek out Obi-Wan, who is the only one that can answer your questions? But what if you run into trouble, find yourself being chased by Imperial fighters--can you count on your scoundrel pilot friend (who was after all, only the "hired help") to cover you? Or are you going to find yourself in a metal bikini chained to a giant slug?
Oh boy.
Here's trying not to screw up the post this time. Thanks for reading!
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