But impulse is also something else in physics, instantaneous change in momentum, or a force over some interval of time causing (and equal to) a change in momentum. Momentum, by the way, is the quantity describing the speed, direction, and mass of a particular object. That would be, how big an object is, how fast it's going and which direction. Momentum. So let's move out of this domain of math and physics and talk about life.
You can think of momentum as being your life: where you're going with it, how fast you're going there, and all that it contains (be that experiences, acquaintances, so forth.) And then an impulse... change: something which pushes you in another direction, or maybe the same direction.
Sometimes I consider myself to be spontaneous. In the above analogy, it would translate to a large force and a small amount of time. Some people, to change, perhaps take less force but more time to see the same change. But I didn't really bring this up to talk about forces and time... but that sometimes I make decisions very quickly, and they tend to be the ones that I appreciate most in the end. Some people might call that "trusting your gut" or "following your instincts."
Let me give an example. A few years ago, I saw a pink corduroy jacket at a store I would shop at occassionally. Pink corduroy. It was either very trendy or very dorky--but it was on sale. And it was pink. Ok, imagine my eyes just lit up. So I try it on, it fits, it's cute, and I buy it. I wasn't looking for a jacket, I didn't really need one I suppose, I didn't consider the pros and cons of buying the jacket. Just saw that I liked it and it was very affordable and I wanted it. And I wore it out. I wore it for days, weeks, until it got a little more snug than I liked and I started to wear looser clothes anyway. It was a "fall" jacket, I loved it. I loved the color, the style (which was unique really), the fashion statement it made. And I purchased it on impulse, so to speak. It was a split-second decision that I never regretted.
Another example--last September I drove to New Jersey for a friend's wedding, and the opportunity to see another friend and his family. I left around midnight Saturday, after deciding only on Thursday or Friday to actually go, and it is still a weekend of only very wonderful memories. Not to mention last summer I decided less than a week in advance to go to the ICNA Convention in Hartford and thoroughly enjoyed it. Just a few weeks ago I made a "sorta" last minute decision to go to New York, and I don't regret going. In all three of those cases, my decision was very... sudden. I couldn't decide, couldn't make up my mind and then, I did, and bang. I went, it was great. Alhamdulillah. And maybe He had a hand in helping me make those decisions?
So I think about this in other areas of my life. Some things need to be carefully considered, because they'll be with you a lot longer and be more heavy on you than a weekend trip out of town or a light jacket. For example, buying a car. I regret buying my car because I paid too much and I can't wait to get rid of it, honestly. I like it, but it's just not worth it. It was a pressured decision, and I hate that about it. It wasn't "impulse" like the others. It never really hit me that this is the one, this is the car I've got to buy. It was the one in front of me and seemed to fit the bill. Maybe I settled for it because I was so tired of searching. (Or I was fast-talked into it by a sleazy salesman. Gr.)
I don't like decisions like that. And I'm about to make some pretty important decisions for my life, now. Who to marry? Where to live? What to do with my life? More school or a career, for example? Well I could make them on impulse, and I am so ready to do that right now.
But I can't. Interesting circumstance. I can't... yet. I have time and time over (more time than I want, honestly) to consider, and reconsider, to think, and rethink. So even if I feel certain now, having to wait before it becomes possible to make a decision leaves room for doubts to creep in. So I figure, if I can bide that time without doubts, and since any more certainty would be difficult to come by, then it's even better than an impulse decision. It's a sort of strung out impulse... or maybe a sum of two. The first, a force and a time. But now that I'm going the right direction, the force is essentially zero right now, having no effect on momentum.
That is of course, sum of all forces is zero. There are forces but... I'm still going the same way.
And it's a fun ride. When it's over, I'll have to make sure I go on a roller coaster. It's been a while...